Faraday Institution LiIonsDen Database

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This database is in active development
Data type Description
Device specification Details a device - typically a cell but can be a module - including parameters such as form factor, cathode/anode size etc.; PDF of manufacturer's specification sheet.
Batch A specific batch of devices with a certain specification (Device specification), size and batch/serial number. Also details the experiment(s) each device in the batch has been used in.
Experiment A battery cycling experiment with associated data. Details which devices (batch and sequence number) were used and which battery cycler.
Equipment Details of equipment - typically battery cyclers - including the institution it belongs to and its serial number.
Component Cell components - cathode, anode, electrolytes, separators. Details their composition in terms of percentage make up of compounds.
Compound Chemical compound with a formula and atomic mass.

Release notes for latest version